safety matters to us
CPSTs* love UnbuckleMe.
- UnbuckleMe does not attach to the car seat, so it does not interfere with the function of the car seat in any way.
- UnbuckleMe does not attach to the car seat, so kids cannot unbuckle while the car is moving.
- When caregivers cannot easily & safely unbuckle their kids, this leads to improper use, where children may not be buckled properly or harness straps may be loose. UnbuckleMe empowers caregivers to unbuckle easily, which helps them buckle their kids properly with confidence.
- UnbuckleMe gives kids independence to unbuckle themselves, while keeping them in a 5pt harness seat longer (vs. moving them to a booster prematurely).
*What's a CPST? A child passenger safety technician is a person who has received specific training on how to properly install and utilize car seats for children. CPSTs work with car seat manufacturers and also in your community at schools, hospitals, fire stations, injury prevention departments, and more. Driving is dangerous, and their goal is to make sure families are transporting young children as safely as possible.